Hearing Fitness; Getting Back In the Habit!

So, I have a confession, I haven’t been exercising during all of this stay-at-home and safer-at-home orders. Why? I fell out of the habit and I am just at work and home, so what is the point? There is too much to worry about and my favorite places to work out have been closed as well. Feel familiar to you? Well, I should be out exercising and keeping my body healthy. Lately I am feeling the decline in my fitness. So, why do I share this? I am concerned about your hearing fitness!

Recently, I have spoken with my colleagues and we are finding that people feel the same with their hearing and hearing aids. “I am just at home so why should I wear my hearing aids?” I have heard it here in my office during these past weeks and I am worried about hearing fitness. When the ears and brain aren’t getting good sound, just like me not exercising, their “fitness” goes down. Let me explain with an analogy.

Let’s say you sign up to run in the Boston Marathon. Prior to the race you take a few walks and maybe a few runs in the weeks before the race. When you show up to the start line, you might get through the race and you might not. However, if you were to train daily with running and fitness workouts you would most likely do much better. For your body and mind race day is simply another day of running and you are prepared. 

Same with your hearing! If you wear your hearing aids on a daily basis and head into an important meeting or party your ears have been prepared to listen and hear. If you are putting on your hearing aids as you are walking into the room, the results may not be as good. Even in quiet and when you are alone, there are sounds that your ears need to stay fit. Underlying and untreated hearing loss can lead to the same results. If you feel you are struggling, it is time to get things checked out. Hearing fitness is just as important as your physical fitness. So, as we are at home and distant more often remember to keep your body and ears active to be ready for the races ahead.


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